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时间:2019-12-11     来源:网络资源     标签:

the Beatles —— Maxwell's Silver Hammer用非常欢快的旋律讲述一个学生谋杀三人的故事,Paul还在1:22秒时笑场。

歌词如下:Joan was quizzical, studied metaphysical琼是个怪人 研究形而上学Science in the home在家里做科学研究Late nights all alone with a test-tube深夜独自一人还在做实验Ohh-oh-oh-oh…噢 噢 噢 噢Maxwell Edison majoring in medicine麦克斯韦·爱迪生他主攻医学Calls her on the phone他给琼打电话"Can I take you out to the pictures“我能带你出去看电影吗Joa-oa-oa-oan?"琼……?”But as she's getting ready to go但正当她准备出来A knock comes on the door…有人敲响了门Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver hammer砰 砰 是麦克斯韦的银锤在敲Came down upon her head直落在她头上Clang, Clang, Maxwell's silver hammer铿 铿 是麦克斯韦的银锤在敲Made sure that she was dead确保她已死亡Back in school again Maxwell plays the fool again再次回到学校 麦克斯韦又扮起了傻瓜Teacher gets annoyed老师怒不可遏Wishing to avoid an unpleasant sce-e-e-ene为了避免场面的尴尬不快She tells Max to stay when the class has gone away她告诉马克斯下课别人走后他得留下So he waits behind所以他在后面等着Writing 50 times "I must not be so-o-o-oo…"罚写50遍“我下次不敢了”But when she turns her back on the boy但当她背向这个男孩He creeps up from behind他迅速从后门奋然爬起Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver hammer砰 砰 是麦克斯韦的银锤在敲Came down upon her head直落在她头上Clang, Clang, Maxwell's silver hammer铿 铿 是麦克斯韦的银锤在敲Made sure that she was dead确保她已死亡P.C. Thirty-One said "we caught a dirty one"31岁的警察官说“我们逮到一个下流坯”Maxwell stands alone麦克斯韦茕茕独立Painting testimonial pictures ohh-oh-oh-oh抹杀作为证据的照片 噢 噢 噢 噢Rose and Valerie screaming from the gallery罗斯和瓦莱丽在旁听席中尖叫Say he must go free (Maxwell must go free)说他必须无罪释放(麦克斯韦必须无罪释放)The judge does not agree and he tells them so-o-o-oo法官并不同意 他如是告诉她们But as the words are leaving his lips但话刚说出口A noise comes from behind一个噪声从背后传来Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver hammer砰 砰 是麦克斯韦的银锤在敲Came down upon his head直落在他头上Clang, Clang, Maxwell's silver hammer铿 铿 是麦克斯韦的银锤在敲Made sure that he was dead确保他已死亡

